Growing Your Leadership and Influence as an LGBTQ Professional
Learn how to intentionally manage your career path as you build your skills and experiences.
Colleges and universities have historically operated within primarily heteronormative, patriarchal systems, and have often not felt welcoming to those who identify outside of these norms. Thankfully, opportunities for those who identify as LGBTQ continue to grow.
In this webcast, you will learn from Dr. Karen Whitney, Interim Chancellor for the University of Illinois-Springfield, on how you can use your experiences to serve your leadership goals and grow your influence as an LGBTQ professional. You will create a map that will outline specific actions to take as you consider:
- The best position and college/university for you
- How to organize a job search
- How to present yourself through your resume
- How to prepare for an interview and complete the search process as someone who identifies as LGBTQ
- The Context We Work Within
In this first section, we will discuss how colleges and universities have historically operated within primarily heteronormative, patriarchal systems and what this means for those who don’t fall within these descriptions.
- Exploring Challenges and Opportunities
In this second section, we will discuss how your LGBTQ identity can inform and shape your perception of yourself as a professional and leader. We will talk about ways in which you “show up to your leadership” in your workplace.
- Advancing Your Career
In this final section, we will discuss what it can look like to intentionally advance your career as someone who identifies as LGBTQ. You will consider what you can do as a higher education professional to be authentic to yourself and successfully progress your career. After this section, you will have action items to take away as you explore new opportunities or look to grow your influence in your current position.

Dr. Karen M. Whitney
President Emerita, Clarion University
Throughout her 40 year career in higher education, Dr. Karen Whitney has held a variety of executive and leadership positions with increasing levels of responsibility, beginning as a Director to Associate Vice President, Vice Chancellor, President, and Chancellor. Karen is also a nationally recognized organizational and leadership development writer, speaker, consultant and advisor. She holds a doctorate from the University of Texas at Austin in Higher Education Administration and is a certified coach through the Center for Executive Coaching.
For more information about this webcast, please visit us on Academic Impressions’ website.