Strengthen Your Position With Our Specialized Training Resources

For Job Seekers

Looking for a job can be stressful, especially when you’re trying to find an employer that shares your values. We understand and are uniquely positioned to help. We’ve partnered with Academic Impressions subject matter experts to offer you a range of free resources to help you in your search, including asynchronous training webinars, blog article, check list, interview questions, and more. Sign up for a free HireEd Careers account to unlock resources made especially for you.

Mapping Your Career Path in Higher Education

A gift from us to you! Access this FREE on-demand resource today.

Course Highlights:
  • 46 mins of video instruction
  • Download additional resources free

Crafting and Maintaining Your Career Vision: A Workshop for Early-Career Faculty

Career mapping for early career faculty, postdocs, and faculty seeking a non-traditional career trajectory.

Early career faculty are pulled in numerous, often competing directions during their first years on the job. Consequently, many end up surrendering their long-term goals and aspirations at the expense of short-term demands. This resource will allow you to develop an intentional and strategic career plan to help you focus on the big picture and seize opportunities that align with your goals. We provide you with a wealth of useful examples from different types of academic paths and institutions. Whether you are on a traditional promotion and tenure journey or have other aspirations, you will walk away from this training with a career map you can return to and revise time and time again.


Finding the Right Career Fit as a Woman in Higher Education

Upload your resume or CV to our candidate database to access this resource.
Course Highlights:
  • 1 hr, 34 mins of video instruction
  • 26 short videos
  • 1 downloadable workbook

Building Your Career Network: The Relationships Every Faculty Member Needs to Nurture

Faculty know they need to actively develop their research, teaching, and service leadership. By contrast, networking is often seen as something that “just happens” or is an “added bonus” that is not essential to faculty success. Yet networking doesn’t just happen, and it is far more vital than many realize. Networking is more than talking well at social events—it’s about intentionally cultivating unique relationships with people who can step up for you, provide you with guidance and feedback, know your professional goals, and offer support, encouragement, and accountability so that your work has the impact you want it to have.

Need access? Create a free account to view this course.

For Employers

Engage with our expanding collection of training resources to enhance your recruitment committees, and disrupt current hiring practices in the higher ed industry. Purchase an unlimited job posting package to gain access to specialized trainings, in partnership with Academic Impressions. Does your institution already have an unlimited job posting package? Contact the subscription holder at your institution or contact us to request access.

Creating a More Inclusive Culture Among Faculty

Subscribe to our unlimited job posting plan to access this resource.

Overcoming the Effects of White Privilege for More Equitable Search Processes

Subscribe to our unlimited job posting plan to access this resource.

Supporting and Empowering Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) Communities as Campuses Reopen

Subscribe to our unlimited job posting plan to access this resource.

Support Black Women Leaders by Influencing Organizational Culture

Subscribe to our unlimited posting plan to access this resource.

Creating a More Inclusive Culture Among Faculty

Subscribe to our unlimited job posting plan to access this resource.

Mapping Your Career Path in Higher Education

A gift from us to you! Access this FREE on-demand resource today.

Finding the Right Career Fit as a Woman in Higher Education

Upload your resume or CV to our candidate database to access this resource.

Growing Your Leadership and Influence as an LGBTQ Professional

Upload your resume or CV to our candidate database to access this resource.

Leading as a Man of Color in Higher Education

Upload your resume or CV to our candidate database to access this resource.


Course Highlights:
  • 120 minutes of video instruction
  • 25 short videos
  • Workbook to track personal notes
  • Multiple printable resources

How should I use this resource?

This course has been specifically designed as a foundational training session to help bring search committee members up to speed on inclusive hiring practices. Each lesson is no more than 30 minutes in length, so we recommend assigning specific applicable segments of the course to your search committee members over a defined period of time. To encourage further conversation and application, we also recommend following up each segment with real-time discussion among your search committee members. Each person participating can record their notes in the five-page downloadable workbook that accompanies the course and then bring them to the group conversation to ensure a productive debrief.

Inclusive Hiring Best Practices: Removing Barriers

Train your faculty and staff search committee members on foundational best practices for inclusive hiring.
As campuses work more efficiently to recruit and retain candidates, it is imperative that your faculty and staff search committees have an ongoing process in order to review and refine their current hiring practices. This 5-part video series was created to help members of your search committees with managing the following stages of the search process:
  1. Getting Started, and Establishing Your Search Committee
  2. Recruiting Candidates
  3. Selecting Preliminary Candidates
  4. Extending and Conducting Formal Interviews
  5. Managing Final Assessments and Recommendations for Hire
  6. Onboarding New Hires
Need access? Purchase an Unlimited Job Posting Package to view this course.

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Thanks for your interest in this training from Academic Impressions. To view this video, please subscribe to our unlimited posting plan.